Tuesday, September 7, 2010

USE OF MEDIA IN ARABIC support proficiency STUDENT WRITING CLASS Islamic Elementary School


Teaching Arabic for the Islamic Elementary School, as stated in the 1994 curriculum is a process of activities directed to encourage, guide, develop and maintain proficiency in Arabic fusha either active or passive as well as foster a positive attitude towards the language. Arabic language skills, and attitudes toward language that is very important in order to understand the teachings of Islam from its original source either Quran and Hadith and Arabic-language books relating to Islam.

In the above outlined curriculum that Arabic is taught at Madrasah Ibtidiyah functioned as the language of religion and science in addition as a means of communication. Therefore, Arabic language lessons in Islamic Elementary School is an integral part of the overall subject of Religious Education. Nevertheless, the teaching of Arabic at the Madrasah Ibtidaliyah must remain guided by the principles of foreign language teaching in general.

Implicitly states that the purpose of teaching Arabic at the Islamic Elementary School is that students can master the Arabic vocabulary actively fusha 300 words and expressions in the form of basic sentence patterns and thus the student is expected to make a simple communication in Arabic and can understand the reading-Bacan simple text (MORA RI, 1994).

In language teaching is known there are four skills / proficiency of listening skills, speaking skills, reading skills and writing skills. The four language skills should be taught this to students with a variety of ways, vary so that students are not saturated and monotonous to what they receive from teachers. According Tarigan (1986: 38) minimum requirements that must be met by teachers is the mastery of language skills of language skills and can teach it to students.

In addition to strength in the mastery of subject matter, teachers should also be rich with diverse experiences, teaching methods or teaching techniques. Teachers must be proficient language skills and rich experience with the techniques of teaching language skills.

Writing proficiency in Arabic (kitabah) requires a lot of exercises, ranging from writing letters, writing letters and connect. According to Lubis (2002: 2) teach the Arabic-age children SD / MI required a huge effort from a teacher and required also variations, means and media of teaching. Need to overcome the constraints faced by carefully considering the different levels of understanding of the child. In this age of the students still require the introduction of what to read and use, introduction of new vocabulary and familiarize themselves to express the desire. For that, teachers and educators in the school environment conducive conditions seek to introduce and use foreign languages in the classroom and school.

In achieving these objectives, Islamic Elementary School-face problems are serious and complex problems. Among the problems are factors that are not professional teachers and inadequate materials. From the teacher factor, the research findings Masyruhah (2001) showed that none of the Arabic language teacher in a district Sugio MI Lamongan district backgrounds Arabic language teacher education. While the material factors, the study Asrori (2001) against four different textbooks imposed showed that the four had serious weaknesses. The weaknesses include (1) not in accordance with the curriculum content, (2) sentences are not contextual, (3) over-rule, (4) structural pattern only fulfilling, (5) is not illustrated, (6) introduces grammatical terms, (7 ) using translation as a model.

Seeing the above facts, we should bear a teacher to use the media as a teaching tool to minimize the difficulties faced by students. The development of a modern growing so rapidly and more and make it easier for educators to utilize a variety of existing meditative.


Lots of instructional media understanding expressed by the figures, but according to the terminology of the word media comes daribahasa latin "medium", which means an intermediary, while the media comes from the Arabic word meaning wasaaila introductory message from the sender to the recipient of the message.

The description of the characters about the notion of learning media, among others:

1. According Berlach and Ely (1971) suggested that the media in the learning process tends to mean the tools graphic, photographic or electronic means to capture, process and reconstruct the information and rearrange the visual or verbal information.

2. According Heinich, et al 1985 Learning Media is media that carry messages or information aimed at learning or contain learning purposes.

3. Media Martin and Briggs in 1986 revealed that the instructional media includes all resources necessary to communicate with the learner. This can include hardware and software used on the hardware.

4. According to Malik, 1994 H instructional media is anything that can be used to transmit messages (study materials), so that may stimulate the attention, interests, thoughts and feelings in the learning and learning activities to achieve certain learning goals.

From the above understanding, can be taken the opportunity of learning media features including:

1. Applies to dedicated or allocated to its interests,

2. Is a tool to explain what lessons have booked either a symbol words or even numbers,

3. Instructional media is not the result of art,

4. Utilization of instructional media are not limited to a particular science but is used in all of science.

Types of media used. In general, language teaching media can be divided into three types, namely the media view (visual aids), hearing the media (audio aids) and the media heard-of view (audio-visual aids). Media of view can be either natural objects, people and events; imitation of natural objects, people and events, and pictures of natural objects, people and events (Effendi, 1984).

Natural objects that can be easily presented to the school or may be appointed directly as a media view that is quite effective for its intended use, such as school supplies, sports equipment, and objects around the school. If a natural object can not be presented, it can be replaced with a replica that is now quite easy to get, such as fruit from a plastic, toy cars, household utensils, and so forth. If imitation of natural objects that did not exist, then it can be replaced with images, whether a simple image or picture of the latest equipment. Another view of the media is a card with all of its forms, flannel boards, magnetic boards, pocket boards, and others.

In the context of ALA learning, artificial objects and images is a very effective medium to use, especially for introducing mufradat and sentence patterns. Objects and images that can be placed at the corners of the room or mounted on the wall as the exposure. If the child has been able to read, under each picture or imitation goods that can be included his name in Arabic.

Media heard that can be used untukr language teaching, among others, radio, tape recorder, and language laboratories (simple). To study the ALA, the radio seems less suitable, because a radio transmitter which broadcasts Arabic-language radio from the general Middle Eastern country program and its contents are not suitable for consumption Indonesian children. Tape recorder to hear the media is quite appropriate choice for teaching language, including the ALA, because with this tool can be rotated according to tapes that we want, like Arab-language songs for children. However, constraints of the use of tape recorders is the lack of tapes ready to wear specially designed for the teaching of the ALA. This obstacle is a challenge for both scholars and practitioners of teaching Arabic.

Use of language laboratory as a tool for language teaching has been recognized by experts effectiveness of language teaching. However, ¬-school to school in Indonesia in general, especially in districts, this equipment is often only an illusion that is difficult to achieve because of the relatively high price.

Media is the most complete language teaching is hearing a media perspective, because with this media to help each other process occurs between the senses and the senses of view heard. Which include the type of media is television, VCDs, computers and sophisticated language laboratory. By using a parabolic television broadcasts in Arabic can be accessed from various countries, like Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Iraq and Pakistan. It then broadcasts can be recorded using CD Writer so that can be played over and over again as learning tools.

VCD is also the medium of language teaching is effective enough to use. This tool is similar to the tape recorder just more complete. Heard only a tape recorder, while the VCD to be heard and seen. We have many programs for the teaching of Arabic was packaged as a CD, but not enough to operate with a VCD but with a computer equipped with multimedia. In the context of the teaching of ALA, ALA has a lot of the teaching program was packaged as a CD, for example: Alif-Ba-Ta, Al-Qamus mushowwar li al-As-Shigar, Ar-Raudloh Bustan, Juha 1-2 Jism al-Insan, Hadiqah al-Arqam, Masrahiyah al-letter al-Arabiyah, Ta'lim al-Lughah al-Arabiyah, 'Alam al-li as-Sigar Tajarub, Jazirah al-Barka: n, and al-Musabaqah Mausuah wa al-Algha: z and many more (Kholisin, 2002).

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