Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Cross stretch Biological Opinion on the Theory of Evolution

FIVE years ago, exactly 25 April 1953, issue of three-dimensional structure of nucleic acids or DNA, as a matter of genetic information carrier solved through hard work JD Watson, FHC Crick, MHF Wilkins, and the beautiful, Rosalind E Franklin. A month later, May 30, 1953, the biological implications of these findings are described. While recalling the incident 50 years ago, we diramaikan by heated exchanges between Wildan Yatim, senior lecturer in Cell Biology from the University of Padjadjaran, and Taufikurahman, faculty in the Department of Biological Science Faculty ITB. The debate was not half-hearted: the Theory of Evolution!
DEBATE who served Compass (23 April 2003 and May 8, 2003) was preceded by exposure Wildan Yatim in his article entitled "There's a rebuttal to the theory of evolution?" In these papers, press releases Wildan balked Taufikurahman who suggested that the revised Biology lessons.
As he balked at the proposal, Wildan menghadapmukakan view of a Turkish author, Harun Yahya, which, according to a reference Taufikurahman Wildan reject Darwin's Theory of Evolution, with its four main thesis of Charles Robert Darwin on biological evolution. Wildan rejection is supported by the opinion of biologists supporters of Darwin's Natural Selection Theory, such as Alfred R Wallace, Ernst Haeckel, and the data are scattered in fields of biological sciences investigations.
Wildan rejection of the idea to revise the Biology lesson on the understanding that he thinks have been out of date and unscientific sense of masculinity flog the ITB lecturers are, "I've always doubted the validity of Darwinian theory," and "not merely because I read the book- book by a Turkish author Harun Yahya named as alleged Wildan Orphans, "the Taufikurahman. Basic rejection used Taufikurahman reject Darwin's Theory of Evolution is more of a reason for religious belief that God is the creator of all living creatures in the world.
To defend his opinion, also cited cross Taufikurahman opinions from various circles, including the Bishop of Oxford Samuel Wilberforce debate with Thomas Huxley at the annual meeting of The British Association for the Advancement of Science in summer 1860. Unfortunately, in a debate moderated by the teacher who most admired C Darwin is Prof. John Stevens Henslow, the tongue of the Bishop, "tripped" by the question, "grandfather or grandmother (T Huxley) whether the origin ape?".
Taufikurahman also argue Darwin's theory of evolution by punctuated Equilibrium Theory Stephen Jay Gould and Niles Eldredge which they themselves actually do not reject the Theory of Natural Selection. Punctuated equilibrium Taufikurahman misinterpret and make "no sound".
Stephen Jay Gould in his article in Scientific American, October 1994, titled "The Evolution of Life on the Earth," says, "Natural Selection is on immensely powerful yet beautifully simple theory has held up remarkably That well, under intense and unrelenting Scrutiny and testing for 135 years. "
Furthermore, the weak points of argument C Darwin's Natural Selection Theory Taufikurahman also used as the foundation rejected the theory. In fact, the self-critic became so remarkable for C Darwin formulate his theory that others, namely sexual selection. With a growing body of molecular data and paleontology, doubts on the Darwinian theory vaguely lost.
I suspect in response Wildan Taufikurahman Orphans affected (or perhaps derived from) the views contained in the book by Vernon Blackmore and Andrew Page, entitled Evolution the Great Debate. If this is true, then once again, unfortunately, because of the book, the author says, "This book is not about the rights and wrongs of evolution or creation science ... For there is a much more Fascinating Story to Be Told: the history of the idea of evolution Itself and in its wake the troubled waters of religious arguments "(page Introduction).
In my opinion, the views of Harun Yahya and Taufikurahman about biological evolution does not move an inch from the view of the origin of life on Earth is adopted for C Linnaeus 250 years ago which has been battered. Their views, as quoted Wildan, seiras dictum C Linnaeus. "Species tot sunt, quot diversas formas ab initio produxit infinitum Ens (Species that have generated as much at the beginning by the Infinite).
Actually, C Linnaeus never "stumble" with data that should be made out of the notion that species are fixed (fixed), when he was confronted with the plant samples submitted by a student.
Plant morphology is exactly the same as Linaria vulgaris, except the interest of symmetric circular (radially symmetrical), called peloric. In fact, Linaria original type (wild type) had bilateral symmetric flowers (bilaterally symmetric). If you follow the nomenclature system developed by C. Linnaeus, the plant should be classified as new species. C Linnaeus noted this confusion as a monstrous flower.
Molecular proving by a group of Enrico Coen John Innes Centre in Norwich, England, and Theissen G of the Max-Planck Institute in Kohl, Germany, confirmed that both the real and the bizarre plant Linaria vulgaris is the same plant, but the peloric have one gene expression was silenced (silenced) because the surface gene methylation reaction LCYC (Nature 401:157-161 and Bioessays 22:209-13).
The basic problem that must be rejected from Taufikurahman way of thinking is that the basic rejection of Darwin's Theory of Evolution based on the belief that God is the creator of all living creatures in the world. Not that I disagree with these religious beliefs, but his way of thinking which I jumped into the realm (domain) nonilmiah (the beliefs), making his conviction was outside the scope of scientific theory, and therefore can not be justified scientifically as well.
This is what caused the argument between Taufikurahman ketidaksetangkupan and Wildan Yatim. Wildan try to say Darwin's theory of the process of evolution as scientific theory. He pointed to the inductive method, which depart from Darwin's facts and observations he had made himself, and merampatkannya into arguments Theory of Natural Selection is contained in the Origin: "As many more individuals are Produced cans than possibly survive, there Every case must be in a struggle for existence ... "
Would have to be convinced more factual Taufikurahman again by local paleontologists near Sangiran Solo or by the caliber of Prof. Teuku Jakob paleontologists that can not be obtained on the formation of fossils of Homo Erectus Kalibeng, namely the formation of the bottom of the dome (dome) Sangiran? Homo Erectus, with the number found has reached almost 80, all found only on the formation of a more on it, namely Pucangan formation, a formation that formed 700000-1800000 years ago in the Pleistocene, and dome formation of a younger age, ie 125000-700000 years ago.
So the question pitched challenging "There's rebuttal of Darwin's Theory of Evolution?" teologisfilosofis is not a question but a scientific question to be answered scientifically, too. Mistakes most people, including the Bishop of Oxford Samuel Wilberforce and Taufikurahman, is interpreting the Theory of Natural Selection outside the scientific realm, the truth of course is outside the reach of the truth which is limited by how he obtained!
Conversely, there are obstacles that must be straightened from the street to think Wildan Yatim. At the beginning of their discussion, Wildan refers to the problem of the mechanism of evolution. But then he hit John and Taufikurahman to treat evolution as the facts. Is not that the same facts that have been there during the C Linnaeus? But why C Linnaeus still adhered to the creation of ideology?
Furthermore, Wildan Yatim not clearly Molecular Evolution initiated as part of the purification process of Darwinian Evolution. He was even too simplistic genetic diversity as a result of transposon-transposons.
Induced mutations (induced mutation) also took place in the process of nucleotide repeat expansion (repeated DNA). The results of recent research revealing even interactive bridges between environmental and genetic material through epigenetika, which I think is an area that should be the main venue (other than DNA mutations and chromosomal mutations directly) in the formation of biological variability.
Another weakness lies in kebersikukuhan Wildan Orphans to the theses of his argument that too much to dwell on the classical Darwinism: appears and the loss of biodiversity at the level of genes, gametes, individual organisms, or at a higher level, as a result of the struggle for life.
If we want to see Darwin's theory of evolution as understood at present, we should not forget the hard work of zoologist Ernst Mayr and Julian Huxley, paleontologist George Gaylord Simpson, George Ledyard Stebbins botanist, geneticist Sewall Wright, a mathematician RA Fisher and JBS Haldane , as well as geneticists Theodosius Dobzhansky, who successfully concluded the C Darwin's Theory of Natural Selection Theory of Decline Characteristics Mendel G into Synthetic theory of evolution in the 1920s through the 1930s.
Synthetic theory of evolution is seen that due to the formation of new variations and variations of replacing old with new variations.
The second stage is driven by at least six of the following. First, the processes that produce variation or mutasional processes.
Second, the processes that narrow space of the type produced variations.
Third, the processes that change the frequency of each of the variations as a population phenomenon.
Fourth, adaptive processes, ie processes that enhance the ability of variants to adapt to the environment.
Fifth, the processes that determine the speed of evolution without necessarily make a distinction within a population.
Sixth, the processes that determine the direction of change without having to make distinctions within the population.
The challenge is quite hard on Theory of Natural Selection comes from the research Motto Kimura, Tomoko Ohta, JL King, and TH Jukes who raises Neutral Theory of Evolution (Neutral Theory of Evolution).
C Darwin says, "Natural Selection is daily and hourly scrutinizing, throughout the world, the slightest Variations; rejecting Those That are bad, preserving and adding-up" All That Are Good; silently and insensibly working, Whenever and Wherever opportunity Offers, at the improvement of Each organic being in relation to its organic and Inorganic conditions of life "(C. Darwin, The Origin Of Species, p. 99).
If the evolutionary process goes something like C Darwin formulated it, there should be a very significant relationship between molecular variation at the DNA level and phenotypic changes. However, there are a hose (gap) between the morphological appearance of mutations in nucleic acid sequence level.
They found at the molecular level that the selective elimination of mutants that with certainty is negatively on the carrier and random fixation of mutants that are selectively neutral or slightly harmful nature of the carrier occurs far more frequently in evolution than Darwinian positive selection of mutants -mutants that have been known to favor (Kimura and Ohta, 1974: Proc. Nat. POLICY. Sci. USA: 2848-2852). Kimura and Ohta also found that the speed of evolution of functional amino acids in a protein has a constant speed and are peculiar to each organism.
Neutral Theory of Evolution does not claim that natural selection does not take place, but this theory indicates that natural selection is not the only force acting on the mechanism of evolution. There are other important forces that work together to direct the process of biological evolution.
Thus, although natural selection took place as an inevitable player in the stage history of biological evolution, nature still leave room for the operation of the joy, joy of life, and of course creativity, as they say in Physics, cum-biologist expert Erwin Schrodinger in his book, What Is Life , thus: "An organism must have a comparatively gross structure in order to enjoy the benefit of fairly accurate laws, both for its internal life and for its interplay with the external world."
To Taufikurahman, I want to remind you that the opportunity to take part in the flow changes produced by science will be difficult to pass when our nation deliberately deliberately placing obstacles on the road we will go through as a nation-including memasung scientifics Biology lessons in junior high or high school, especially at the university. If the stage of history have witnessed the Western hegemony of world civilization, this is the result of one major factor: science!

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