Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Improving Learning Achievement Mathematics Subject Fold Symmetry, reflection, and sixth graders in the second half in Primary Schools

Learning outcomes that specializes in academic achievement is strongly influenced by the strategy and planning done by the teacher as leading educators. Strategy and planning is an activity meant that refers to how teachers manage the whole process of learning and teaching, including: set the time, beheadings presentation, selection methods, selection approach, and so forth. This means that how teachers think about the strategy, while also thinking about the method and approach in achieving learning outcomes in accordance with the planned program.To that end, in an effort to improve student achievement, teachers need to introduce the learning model that can make learning a fun atmosphere and more effective, in the hope that conditions will students' learning activities more enjoy (enjoy) in accordance with student wishes.
By introducing learning model that can involve all students to be active in learning activities, learning objectives will be more effective and yield learning activities will be more tangible results.According Hamalik (2001) teachers are required to have the ability to design programs and also to determine which instructional strategies should be pursued. The teachers must have the skills to select and use teaching methods to be applied in an effective learning system.Therefore, teachers are viewed as agents of modernization in all fields. The main business that can be done by teachers is through educational programs for students. In conducting the business achievement of the goals of education in these schools, teachers play an important role in using the model of learning and ways to achieve optimal learning outcomes.Based on the statement, the researchers will conduct a research activity class action (action research) relating to the use of learning models in an effort to increase student motivation sixth grade elementary school students in learning and teaching mathematics subjects. Action research was intended to determine how far the impact of the learning model adopted in the study subjects of math learning achievement of elementary school students of class VI. Learning model is referred to in this research is to model learning technique with a jigsaw. Why should the model jigsaw?As has been described above that more students will obtain good learning performance when the learning activities involving all students do activities based on learning the material being studied. So far, education in Indonesia is still dominated by the view that knowledge as a set of facts to be memorized. Classes are still focusing on teachers as the main source of knowledge, then lectures make learning strategy of choice. For that needed a new strategy that is more empowering students. A learning strategy that does not require students to memorize facts, but a strategy that encourages students to construct their own knowledge dibenak.More specific reasons for selecting the jigsaw model in an effort to boost student achievement, because Jigsaw technique is a group learning model which is described as follows: (a) One class is divided into small groups, many members of the group are adjusted by the number of issues / problems which offered teachers . These groups are called by the home group, (b) Any member of the group home were given a different problem, but each home group was given the same problem. With a certain time limit each member individually solve problems, (c) Members of the group home would be split up and form a new group that brings the same problems. This group is called the expert group (expert group). In this group discussion to equalize their perceptions of their answers, and (d) When finished they return to the home group and the members - members will disseminate the results / answers from expert groups.The fact that there is in the field of education process of learning achievement in primary school, still using the old paradigm by treating teachers as the main source of learning, although now the curriculum has evolved toward competency-based curriculum. So do not close the possibility of learning outcomes achieved by siswapun impressed monotonous, because only memorize the facts and the teacher is seen as the main source of learning. One of the results obtained by studying the subjects of Mathematics. Learning math is more emphasis on the ability to think logically, not memorize a fact. But this fact is still visible in the achievement of learning outcomes in Grade VI Elementary School.Through the learning activities with this jigsaw model expected result of learning Mathematics Subject Fold Symmetry, Reflecting, and Pengubinan, with Subpokok discussion: (1) Subpokok Fold Symmetry and reflection of the discussion, (2) Subpokok Pengubinan discussion, the Class VI students second semester at the School basis will be obtained in accordance with the expected objectives.

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