Tuesday, September 7, 2010

In Research Instruments

A. Approach and Type Research
The approach and type of research conducted by researchers is action research. According Waseso (1994) action research is a recycling process, beginning stages of planning, implementation and monitoring of action, reflection that may be followed by re-planning.
Action research aims to develop new skills or new approaches to solving problems with direct application in the factual world (Zuriah, 2003)
Carr and Kemmis (1986), says that action research is a form of review inkuiry through self-reflection by participants of certain educational activities in a social situation, to improve the rationality and truth and validity.
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B. Researcher presence
The presence of investigators in this research activity is more appropriate if the intended participation in the activity. For researchers in this study pertained to the action research participants. Zuriah (2003) says that the person who will conduct action research to be involved in the research process from the beginning. To the researchers must conduct participant observation in this study.
Spradley (1980) divided the three stages of participant observation in qualitative research, among others: (a) Starting from these observations that are checked (descriptive observations) wide, by describing the general social situation in the location of research, (b) then observations followed by a more focused (focused observations) to find the main categories of research focus, and (c) after it held observations that are selective (selective observations) to find the categories in more detail about the sub- sub focus of research.

C. Research Location
The location of this action research is Elementary School. While the subjects in this study are determined based on certain considerations. Consideration by the factor of learning ability differences between students, research locations and environmental conditions. The subjects were Grade V Semester II SD.

D. Source Data
Data source is meant as human and non human. Sources of human data in this action research is the first semester of teacher Class V SD, Principal, Guru V class in another school, and Students of Class V Semester SD.
While non-human sources of data in the form of documentation of observations and researcher observation notes, the results of the evaluation study, and other documents relevant to the scope of research.

E. Data Collection Procedures
Use appropriate data collection procedures can be obtained objective data in research activities. Some data collection techniques used in this action research are:
l. Observation
Observation is defined as systematic observation and recording of symptoms that appear on the object of research (Zuriah, 2003). Observations and records made to the object in place occurred or ongoing events.
There are two types of observations made, including: (a) direct observation, the observation made in which the observer was with the object being investigated, and (b) indirect observations, ie observations or observations made are not on during an event to be studied . By using this technique, make a note of the observation by using a check list (check list)
2. Interview
The interview is one of the most important procedures for collecting data in qualitative research, because many researchers obtained information through interviews. According to Arifin (1998) is an interview is a conversation that aims to get construction going on now about people, events, activities, organization, feelings, motivation, recognition, concerns and so forth. According to Lincoln and Guba, quoted by Moleong (2000), the purpose, among others, conduct interviews to construct about people, events, organizational events, feelings, motivations, concerns and demands of others.
Interview conducted by researcher to obtain data in accordance with reality when investigators conducted interviews. Interviews in this research is addressed to students Wadang II Elementary School District students Ngasem Bojonegoro V and V-class teachers at the school and other schools. Interviews in this study using a type of unstructured interviews. For in the unstructured interview will get information as much a secret, and sensitive in nature and enables even once recorded all affective responses of informants who appeared during the interview (Bafadal, 1994).
But in the implementation of these interviews still refer to the Guba and Lincoln (Bafadal, 1994) that prior to conducting interviews arranged in advance outlining the questions presented to the informants based on the scope of the research.
3. Documentation
According Zuriah (2003), this technique is how to collect data through a written heritage, especially in the form of archives and includes books on opinions, theories, arguments or other laws relating to the research problem.
Guba & Lincoln (1981) says that documents and records can be used for research purposes because: (1) is a source of stable, wealthy and encouraged, (2) is useful as evidence for a test, (3) are a natural fit with the context, ( 4) the results of the study will open up opportunities to further expand the knowledge of the investigation.

F. Data Analysis
Data analysis is a process to systematically find and organize the interview transcripts, field notes and other materials that have been collected by researchers. Work activities include work on data analysis, organizing, dividing into units that can be managed, mensintesiskannya, looking for patterns, discovering what is important and what will the researchers reported (Bogdan and Biklen, 1982).
Miles and Hubermen (1984) said that data analysis should be carried out continuously during the study lasted. Furthermore Nasution (1988) pointed out that data analysis is the process of compiling, categorizing data, looking for patterns or themes in order to understand its meaning.
Moleong (1995:103) argues, "Data analysis is the process of organizing and sorting data into patterns, categories and units of basic outline, which can be found in the theme, as suggested by the data." Data analysis techniques used in this research is descriptive analysis. With a view that descriptive research is designed to obtain information about the status of symptoms at the time of the research conducted. After the survey data collected, further data is arranged systematically. Organized manner, then the data is finally done which revealed significant problems in accordance with topics related to their problems.
Furthermore, Miles & Hubermen (1984) applies three strands of activities in the descriptive analysis into a single entity that can not be separated, namely: (1) Reduction of the data, the researchers do this technique sorting process, focusing attention to simplification, pengabstrakan, and the transformation of raw data or coarse data that emerged from the records in the field, (2) Presentation of data, this technique presents the findings of a narrative, and (3) Withdrawal or verification conclusions, this technique the researchers attempted to describe the representativeness of an event, an event or a subject .
In the data analysis activities, we will get two kinds of data, qualitative data and quantitative data. Qualitative data in the form of observations made at each stage of activity, and quantitative data in the form of learning outcomes or academic achievement obtained by students in the learning process with the activity-based learning strategy.
Technical analysis of the data in this study, is the analysis of qualitative data that is linear (running) and is circular. The data analysis techniques with the following steps: (1) review of all data has been collected. The review is done by analyzing, synthesizing, interpret, explain, and conclusions. Review of activities carried out in principle since the beginning of the data collected, (2) reduces the data therein involves categorizing and classifying, and (3) to conclude and verify. Further reduction of the activities carried out last inference and subsequently followed by verification or testing activities on the research findings.

G. Checking Keabasahan Data
Checking the validity of this data is conducted by researcher in this study is by way of re-checking or cross check the results of research data generated by re-testing to the field or research area by extending the depth of observation time. Validity of the data may be disclosed to, (1) what data still needs to be searched, (2) what questions should be answered, (3) what method should be held to seek new information, and (4) what mistakes should be corrected. Validity of the data is an important concept in proving the validity (validity) and reliability (reliability) of research results. In this action research, to check the validity of the data obtained, there are several steps taken by the researcher. Among them:
1. Extend the cycle of research activities
In this action research activities, in order to get optimal results and approached the validity of survey data, the researchers conducting this step, in an effort to improve and prove the validity of the data obtained.
2. Perseverance Observations
Persistence researcher in the observation activities, will assist researchers in obtaining research data are valid and reliable. Persistence researchers in this study is shown in the presence of researchers in every classroom learning activities in a series of action research activities.
3. Triangulation
Triangulation is a technique that utilizes the data validity checking something else out that data for checking purposes or as a comparison to data. There are four kinds of triangulation as a technical examination of the validity of research data, including:
a. Source. Source means comparing and checking behind the degree of trust of any information obtained through time and different tools in the qualitative, with data comparing the results of: (a) observations with data from interviews, (2) what is said in public and private, ( 3) what is said in a research situation with all the time, (4) the opinion of some people based on education level, and (5) interviews with the contents of a document.
b. Methods. There are two strategies for checking the degree of trust, (1) the findings with data collection, and (2) multiple sources of data by the same method.
c. Investigators. Utilizing the researcher and other observers for the purpose of re-checking the degree of trust data.
d. Theory. Reported the results of the study is accompanied by an explanation as told in increasing the degree of confidence in the data obtained.

H. Research stages
Actions planned research in this action research are as follows: (1) Define the indicators that activity-based instructional design used in teaching and learning, (2) Develop strategies and managing the delivery of instruction with learning-based activities including: designing and developing teaching materials, design a lesson unit that is used in teaching and learning activities, (3) Develop methods and data recording device that consists of field notes, observation guidelines, guidelines for analysis, and daily records, and (4) To plan the data processing techniques based on the model data analysis qualitative research.
Associated with action research, we need a step ¬ research step, so that in the implementation of research can be programmed properly. According Zuriah (2003) pointed out that action research is planned through several stages of planning, including: (1) the early reflections, (2) formulate the problem in operational research, (3) researchers to formulate hypotheses of action, and (4) establish and formulate plans of action.
l. Reflection
Is the initial phase of the reflection means to reflect the actual situation, after formulating the research themes.
2. Plan
Is the planning phase conducted after the first phase, need to review the preliminary analysis to be done, about the activity-based learning strategies in teaching and learning activities in the Student Class V Semester SD?. In this phase is expected to (a) can translate a clear picture of activity-based learning strategies in teaching and learning, and reasons for selecting the theme, (b) the working draft of each individual and group actions, (c) description of the parties involved, (d ) outlines the work plan (time schedulle), (e) monitor the changes as research progresses, and (f) initial description of the efficiency of the data collected. This phase ensures that the Student Class V Semester SD serve as the object of research by considering characteristics of this class in accordance with the issues to be discussed by researchers.
3. Action Observation
This stage is the stage of the translation into action plans and monitor the course of action. According to Nasution (1988) is the observation is the basis for all knowledge in the field, researchers tried to interact actively with the subject, because observation is the selective activity of an active process. Intended to determine the object of study before researchers conduct research in accordance with the existing reality.
4. Final Reflections
This phase consists of: (a) analyze, (b) synthesis, (c) gives the meaning, (d) of explanation, and (e) make the conclusion.

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