Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Improving Student Achievement Subject Social Sciences Review Of Economic Activity By Activity Based Approach Method

A. Background Problem
The realization of active student learning conditions are the hope of all components of education, including community and education practitioners. Therefore, in the learning activities required of a learning strategy planned by the teacher to promote students' activeness in teaching and learning activities. Through the learning activities that emphasize the students' activity is expected to increase motivation and learning outcomes are consistent with the objectives of education in schools.
According Suparno, et al (2002) students who are active in the learning process is characterized by two events, namely the activity of thinking (minds-on), and in doing activities (hands-on). Real act of student involvement in learning is the result of students' thinking on learning activities. Thus the process of students actively in learning and teaching is a learning activity that must be continuous and relentless. This can be done if the interaction between teachers and students well maintained. For according to Usman (2002) the interaction and reciprocal relationship between teachers and students is a primary condition for ongoing learning process.
Based on these opinions, shows that the activities of students in teaching and learning activities are absolutely necessary. But even more important in improving aktititas students are planning a teachers' ability in teaching and learning activities are in achieving learning goals.
Based on these phenomena, researchers will conduct an action research activities in class V Elementary School focuses on improving students' motivation through activity-based learning activities. Why activity-based learning?
Some of the reasons researchers using activity-based teaching approach in learning materials mengajarankan Social Sciences include: (1) the principle activities of all types of methods used in teaching both inside and outside the classroom, (2) the principle of activity aimed at developing ideas or the realization of an idea in a certain forms, (3) the principle of activity can enjoy aesthetic experiences, (4) to solve an intellectual problem, and (5) gain experience and specific skills.
While the reasons researchers chose subjects of Social Studies materials used as material activity-based approach, because in the Social Sciences curriculum can help students to: (l) underwent daily life effectively, (2) to understand his world and the things that influence it, ( 3) take advantage of the opportunity to develop creative thinking skills, flexible, and innovative, (4) develop an understanding of the concepts of Social Sciences, (5) assessing and using technology products, (6) understand that a career in social and technology suitable for men and women, (7) make judgments about issues related to social environment, (8) responsible for the improvement of the quality of social environment, (9) gives the solution to the moral dilemmas relating to social issues and technology, and (l0) to prepare to study more advanced level.
Of the several reasons for making the problems in the classroom action research, it can be formulated in the title of class action research "Improving Learning Achievement Subject Social Sciences Economic Activities In Indonesia at Grade V Semester SDN with Activity-Based Approach" can be increased and will eventually have an impact on results obtained by the students' learning in teaching and learning in particular subjects of Social Studies subject of economic activities in Indonesia.

B. Problem formulation
Based on the background of the problems mentioned above, in this classroom action research, researchers were able to formulate some of the focus of research is as follows:
l. Are activity-based approach is more effective in the motivation to learn basic subjects of Social Studies Economics Discussion Events In Indonesia in the first semester students of class V SDN.
2. What is the impact of teaching and learning using activity-based approach to learning lessons in Social Studies Discussion principal economic activities in Indonesia in the first semester students of class V?

C. Objective
Based on the formulation of the problem, then this class action research aims to identify and describe:
1. Activity-based approach is more effective in the motivation to learn basic subjects of Social Studies Economics Discussion Events In Indonesia in the first semester students of class V SDN.
2. The impact of teaching and learning using activity-based approach to learning lessons in Social Studies Discussion principal economic activities in Indonesia in class V semester students of SDN.

D. Benefit Research
Based on the research objectives, this study is expected to produce findings about the learning strategy approach activity based on the principal subjects of Social Studies Economics Discussion Events In Indonesia in the first semester students of class V SDN. On the other hand is expected to benefit the research:
1. Elementary School Teacher
Adding insight and knowledge in improving the quality of education on the subjects of Social Studies Class V semester students of SDN through the implementation of learning strategies using activity-based approach, and the general public elementary school.
2. Institute Elementary School
As an input in finding the bottlenecks and weaknesses of the learning organization as well as efforts to improve and overcome the learning problems encountered in class, so it can find an appropriate way to increase student motivation with the hope of learning the optimal result for the progress of the school institution.
As reference materials and reference for other researchers, who conducted the study in accordance with the context of research conducted by the researchers.

E. Hypothesis Actions
Based on the problems in action research, entitled Improving Learning Achievement Subject Subject Social Sciences Economic Activities in Indonesia in the first semester students of class V SDN With Activity-Based Approach conducted by the researchers, can be formulated the hypothesis of action as follows: "If the learning strategy It is used for elementary school teachers in classroom learning activities to teach students the first semester SDN V, replaced by activity-based learning strategy, it is possible to influence the improvement of academic achievement motivation and the subjects of Social Studies subject Economic Activities in Indonesia.

F. Research Scope
The scope of this class action is limited research on efforts to foster students' motivation SDN semester grade V, with activity-based learning strategy on the subjects of Social Studies subject of Economic Activities in Indonesia consists of three subpokok discussion, namely: Subpokok Discussion Business in the Field of Economics, Subpokok Discussion of Economic Activities in Indonesia and Subpokok Discuss Visit to One of One Manufacturer.

G. The term assertion
Some terms that have affirmed in this study, so that in the discussion of the research will lead to a more specific description in accordance with the scope of the research. Among them:
1.Motivasi Learning
Motivation to learn can be interpreted as a series of efforts that emerged from within oneself, so that a person has the spirit to do something with the expectation that planned.
2. Activity-Based Teaching
Activity-based instruction is intended that this teaching is based on the activeness of the students in following the teaching-learning process, so that all students are on the move in accordance with their capabilities. Thus expected in teaching and learning, it is found that optimal learning results.

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