Tuesday, September 7, 2010

How to Improve Student Achievement

One function is to motivate teachers to teach the party to carry out his duties with the best possible effective and productive. Some of the concepts and theories that have been raised can be used as a frame of reference in making various efforts to provide motivation.
A. Motivation Principles
Some of the principles of motivation that can be used as reference in teaching and learning activities include:
l. The principle of competition
What is meant by the principle of competition is healthy competition, both internal and inter-personal. Inter-personal or self competition competition is competition in the private self of each of the actions or performance in the dimension of time and place. Interpersonal competition is competition between individuals with one another. With healthy competition, can inflict the motivation to act better. One form of such a race paper, an honor student and so forth. Competition may also be made between schools to encourage students to make efforts to learn a good performance.

2. Principle hyper
The urge to perform various actions will occur if there is a specific driver. These boosters can be information, advice, message, warning, pilot, and so forth. In this case the motive regularly to encourage always perform various actions and provide the best possible performance. This can be done through personal consultation, advice or mandate in ceremony, religious lectures, mentoring, coaching, and so forth.

3. The principle of reward and punishment
Rewards received by a person can increase the motivation to undertake actions that lead to rewards. Each performed well when given an adequate reward, will tend to increase motivation. For example giving gifts to students who excel. Similarly, given the punishment can no longer generate the motivation to perform actions that lead to the punishment. It should be applied proportionately and really can provide motivation.

4. Clarity of purpose and closeness
The more clear and closer to a goal, it will increasingly encourage someone to take action. In connection with this principle, it should be every student's learning objectives are clearly understood. This can be done by providing an objective description of the action is expected. Another way is to create goals that are still common and far into specific objectives and closer.

5. Understanding results
In the description above, has stated that the results achieved will be the opposite of someone who has done an effort, and it can provide motivation to undertake further action. Sense of success that exist in a person will be encouraged to always maintain and improve their performance further. Knowledge of feedback, has strong links to levels of satisfaction achieved. In this regard, teachers should always give feedback to each performance that has been generated by each student. For example restore the tasks that have been made with the students and the value of his comments. This feedback will be useful to measure the degree of learning outcomes that have been produced for the purpose of further improvement. Students should always be nurtured to have a sense of success and avoid a growing sense of failure.

6. Development interests
Interest can be interpreted as a sense of happy or not happy in the face of an object. The basic principle is that motivation increases when a person tends to be concerned have a great interest in doing actions. In this connection, the motivation can be done with the road cause or develop students' interest in learning activities. Thus, students will gain the satisfaction and good performance. In turn, the motivation to learn effectively and productively.

7. Conducive environment
Conducive working environment, both physical environment, social, or psychological, can grow and develop a motive to work well and productively. To that can be created with the best possible physical environment, such as cleanliness of the room, layout, facilities, etc., as well as socio-psychological environment, such as interpersonal relations, group life, leadership, promotion, guidance, opportunities for advanced, familial, etc. .

8. Exemplary
Teacher behavior (teacher) directly or indirectly has an influence on both student behavior is a positive or negative. Teacher behaviors can increase the motivation to learn. Accordingly, it is expected that the behavior can be a source of exemplary teachers for their students. With examples that can be imitated, students can further increase the productivity of their learning.

B. Learning Motivation
Motivation is the energy change in a person who is marked by the emergence of feelings and reactions to achieve the goal. Motivation starts from a change in personal energy. The changes in motivation arises from certain changes in the system neuropisiologis in the human organism, for example, because there is a change in the planning system arising hungry motives. But there is also a change in energy is not known.
Motivation is marked by the emergence of affective feelings of arousal. First is the psychological tension, and an emotional atmosphere. This raises the emotional atmosphere that motivated behavior. This change may be and maybe not, we can only see it in action. An engaged in a discussion, because he felt drawn to the matter to be discussed then the voice will rise and his words will come out smoothly and quickly. Motivation is marked by reactions to achieve the goal. Motivated conduct personal responses directed toward a goal. Responses that serve to reduce tensions caused by changes in energy within him. Each response is a step toward achieving the goal.

l. Types of Motivation
Based on the understanding and analysis of the motivations that have been discussed above, the motivation can be divided basically into two types: (a) intrinsic motivation and (b) extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation is motivation that is included in learning situations and to meet the needs and goals of students. Motivation is often also called a pure motivation. Actual motivations that arise in students' own self, for example the desire to get certain skills, acquire information and understanding, develop an attitude to work, enjoying life, knowing his contributions to the business group, received by the desire of others, and others.
So, this motivation arises without any external influence. Intrinsic motivation is motivation that lives within the student and useful in studying the functional situation. In this case the praise or reward or the like is not required as it will not cause students to work or study to get a compliment or a gift. As said by Emerson, The reward of a thing well done is to have done it. So it is clear, that intrinsic motivation is the real nature and motivation of the term referred to sound real or motivation.
Extrinsic motivation is motivation that is caused by factors outside the classroom situation, such as the number of credit, diplomas, degrees prizes, medals conflict, and competition that is negative is sarcasme, ridiculous, and punishment. Extrinsic motivation is still needed in schools, because not all the teaching in schools to attract students or in accordance with the needs of students. Besides the students often do not understand to what he learns things that are given by the school. Hence the motivation for that lesson needs to be raised by the teachers so that students are willing and want to learn. Enterprises that can be done by the teacher a lot, and therefore in motivating our students would not determine a specific formula that can be used any time by the teacher.

2. Motivation Principles
These principles have been prepared on the basis of thorough research in order to encourage students' motivation to learn in schools that contain views in order to create a democratic and self-motivation and self dicipline among the disciples. Kenneth H. Hover, suggested Principles 卢-motivating principle as follows:

a. In praise more effective than punishment. Punishment is to stop doing something, while the praise is to appreciate what has been done. Therefore, its value is greater praise for students' learning motivation.

b. All students have psychological needs (which is basic), which require a certain satisfaction. Those needs are expressed itself in many different forms. Students who can satisfy their needs effectively through learning activities require little help in the motivation and discipline.

c. Motivation coming from within the individual more effectively than in motivation imposed from outside. The reason is because the satisfaction gained by individuals that fit the size that is within his own disciples.

d. To answer (deeds) which is in harmony (in accordance with the desire) to do the monitoring effort (reinforcement). If something works then to learn to achieve goals that need immediate action is repeated again after a few minutes later, so the results remain stable. The consolidation was necessary to do in each level of learning experience.

e. Motivation was easy to spread or spread to others. Teachers are highly interested and enthusiastic will produce students who are also of high interest and enthusiasm as well. Similarly enthusiastic student who will encourage the motivation of other students.

f. A clear understanding of the goals will stimulate motivation. If someone has to realize goals to be achieved then the actions in that direction will be greater encouragement power.

g. Duties imposed by self-interest will lead to greater work than if the duties were imposed by the teacher. When students are given the opportunity to find their own problem and solve it yourself it will develop the motivation and discipline better.

h. Compliments that come from outside (external rewards) are sometimes necessary and effective enough to stimulate interest in the truth. Thanks to the encouragement of others, for example, to obtain a high rate then the students will try harder because of his interest is greater.

i. Motivation is closely related to the creativity of students. With certain teaching techniques that motivate the students can be directed to the creative activities. Motivation that has been owned by the students when given the existence of such a barrier such as a sudden test, regulations 卢-school rules, and other creative activities will then arise that he had escaped from the barrier.

Therefore, the mobilization of the principles of motivation to learn is closely related to the principles of learning itself. There are several principles of learning and motivation delivered by Hamalik (2002), in order to get attention from party planners in planning for teaching, especially teaching and learning activities.
These principles can be used by educators in the effort to improve the motivation of learners to participate in teaching and learning activities, so we get the optimal academic achievement. Among them: (1) meaningfulness. Lessons will be meaningful for students if teachers try to link it with past experience, or experience-experience that has 卢 they had before. Something that interests and the highest value for students means a meaning for him. Therefore, teachers should try to tailor lessons to their students' interests by providing opportunities for participating students to choose, (b) Modelling. Students would like to obtain a new behavior when watched and imitated. Lessons will be more easily internalized and applied by students if the teacher teaches in the form of the model's behavior, not only with menceramahkan / tell me verbally. With the model's behavior, students can observe and imitate what is desired by the teacher, (c) Open Communication. Students prefer to learn when presenting structured so that the messages open to monitoring student teacher, (d) Prerequisites. What has been learned by previous students may be an important factor that can determine the success of students in learning. Therefore, teachers should seek to know / recognize-卢 prerequisite prerequisites they already have. Students who are in that group berprasyarat will easily observe the relationship between simple knowledge that have been held with the knowledge of the complex which will be studied, (e) Novelty. Students will enjoy learning more when the attention drawn by the presentation-the presentation of a new (Novelty) or was a stranger, (f) Exercise / Active and Benefits Practice. Actively practice means that students work on their own, rather than listening to lectures and notes on a legal pad, (g) Exercise Divided. Students prefer to learn, if the exercise was divided into a number of short periods of time. Such exercises will enhance students' motivation in learning as compared with exercise performed well in the long term, (h) Reduce the Systematic Learning coercion. Students need to be given under compulsion or pumping. But for students who have started to master the lessons, then pumping it systematically reduced and eventually students can study independently, and (i) The condition of the fun. Students would prefer to continue the fun of learning if the teaching conditions.

3. How to Enable Student Motivation
Teachers can use various methods to move or raise their students' learning motivation, is as follows. (A) Give numbers. Generally, every student wants to know the results of his work, namely the form of numbers given by the teacher. Students who get good numbers, will encourage the motivation of learning to be large, otherwise students who score a point or less, may cause frustration or can also be a driving force in order to learn better, (b) Praising. Giving praise to the students for things that have been done with great benefit as drivers of successful learning. Compliment cause a sense of satisfaction and pleasure, c) Gifts. This method can also be done by teachers within certain limits, for example at the end of year gifts to students who have or show good learning results, giving prizes for the winners of contests or games, (d) Working groups. In group work where the conduct cooperation in the study, each group member turutnya, sometimes feeling to defend the good name of the group becomes a strong driving force in the act of learning, (e) Competition. Good teamwork and competition provide social motives to students. Only the individual competition will lead to no good effect, such as: damage to a relationship of friendship, fights, conflicts, competition among the study group, (f) The purpose and level of aspiration. From family activities will encourage students, (g) Sarcasm. Within certain limits, sarcasm can encourage learning for the sake of his good name, but on the other hand can cause the opposite, because the students felt himself insulted, thus allowing the emergence of conflicts between students and teachers. (H) Assessment. Continuous assessment will encourage students to learn, because every child has a tendency to get good results. In addition, students always have challenges and problems to be faced and solved, so that pushed him to learn more thoroughly and carefully, (i) Field Trips and excursion. This method can generate motivation to learn because in this activity will have a direct and meaningful experience for him. Apart from that, because the object to be visited is the object of his interest. Free atmosphere, free from attachment to the classroom beneficial to eliminate the tensions that exist, so that learning activities can be more fun, (j) Educational Films. Each student was happy to watch a movie. Description and content of the film's story and attract more students' interest in learning. The students get a new experience which is a meaningful story units, and (k) Learning through radio. Listen to the radio more to produce than listening to teachers lecture. Radio is an important tool to stimulate learning motivation of students. However, radio can not possibly replace the teacher in teaching. There are many ways that can be used by teachers to generate and maintain student motivation to learn. But more important is the motivation that comes from deep within his own students as encouragement needs, a sense of purpose, and also own a private teacher is an example that can stimulate their motivation.

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