Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Cultural Reflections for Future Generations

CULTURAL a nation is never static. He is always dynamic and dialectically and creatively adapt to the dynamics of society. Sometimes it affects, or vice versa, affected society. Cultural flows in the mutual influence of motion without end in the pulse of life. Sometimes the current is small, sometimes large, even he could become a big wave that affects our consciousness and behavior. If today people are talking about a profound crisis of society, is not he also spoke about the cultural crisis, a crisis of values, a crisis of life itself.
Then, 60 years after independence we are there to accomplish-the achievement of cultural pride that we achieve? Or even the cultural crisis has really slammed us into the economic downturn and the lagging social and political maturity very sad?
During this culture or a culture too often discussed in broad themes that serbaabstrak. As in the speeches of culture that demands reflection and intelligence-logic of complex reasoning. Of course cultural spaces such reflection is important.
But, in fact for now that is not less important is how we view with a simple culture. We'll see in the cultural tendency of attitudes, behaviors, actions, and the words said to our daily highly visible. Say, following the current term cultural thinker, as a culture of daily life (culture of everyday life).
Critical thinking
Until now so many critical thinking that is born of a deep and sincere reflection to talk about culture and society of Indonesia. That view is often highly critical of the dominant culture, so that not infrequently quite enlightening. Unfortunately, after thinking it is thrown, then warmly welcomed and debated, then forgotten, as if vanished into the flow of history.
Call a few. 70s Mochtar Lubis example was talking very loudly about human foolishness face of Indonesia. With somber faces of Indonesian human personality traits to pieces (hypocrite, feudal, superstitious believe, have a weak character, and tend to extravagant), Mochtar Lubis afraid our nation will be left far behind, and more will be hurt again constellation of victims in the world .
No wonder if Koentjaraningrat reminded of the need to change the mentality of Indonesian society in order to become an advanced nation. And, Umar Kayam not get bored talking about the importance of transforming our culture to get rid of the feudal and bureaucratic culture in the behavior of political elites (civil servants and politicians) and the general public.
Meanwhile, Taufik Abdullah introduced a nice formula which involves the culture of poverty discourse of the political elite, which he calls "the ignorance that swooping spiral downward." Rewarded with stupidity stupidity stupidity will give birth to new ones. Is not stupid statement a political elite who responded with a stupid statement also by other political elites, so often we see in the media. That statement just gave birth to a new stupidity. Eventually creating a kind of ignorance that continue to spiral downward dive.
Moreover Soedjatmoko reminded about the threat of humanity, such as poverty, population explosion, the impact of global environmental degradation will be felt by the Indonesian nation in the 21st century. He also mentions the emergence of the phenomenon of "stress society," "sick society", characterized by mental illness, violence and drug abuse and juvenile delinquency. So do not be surprised if Soetardji Calzoum Bachri invite our nation out loud: "O my people / Get out the dictionary you from this destruction / Search word / Discover greeting / As is always the youth find the word in their oath." Agreed with Sartono Kartodirdjo declaring the importance of historical consciousness in the education process of the nation. And, Kuntowijoyo propose the importance of transcendence and humanization to counteract politisisasi, secularization, and commercialization of culture.
Crucial issues and future scenarios
What is the appeal or even cultural thinkers such concerns are nothing but the implications of the existence of large flows that affect the lives of modern society and establish a culture. On the one hand, it stems from within, in the form of feudalism, and on the other hand, it comes from outside, from the consequences of globalization and transnasionalisasi the values that come from all corners of the world via the media. Or, whether it comes from the symptoms of secularism which permeate all aspects of modern human religiosity domains, so it is considered as a threat to the values of traditional religion and society of the value of consumer capitalism that caused the process of commodification of all aspects of life.
These values are considered participating in forming the tastes, attitudes, and even our consciousness. Now these values continue to sink in, become a kind of cultural forces that shape the unconscious life of modern man. Starting from the way we choose the location of the house, type of vehicle, brand clothing, entertainment, TV shows, figure fad, the use of the money we earn, use of leisure time, up to the way we make love and live and look at everyday life. Everything is none other than the construction and cultural values that shape our consciousness.
In the midst of the siege of values that our nation is actually dealing with a large and crucial issues that face. Problems of poverty, disease (biological, psychological, and social), ignorance, violence, ignorance (I do not care!), Environmental pollution, is still a daily problem which is still visible culture requires not only thinking, but also cultural behavior sehar -day is more able to liberate and empower us from a variety of social crisis, economic, political squeezing. Behavior and cultural awareness that some of them will be highlighted below need to be developed to combat the dominant cultural tendency of behavior that seemed to have become part of everyday life.
Let us refer to culture as "10 Attitudes and Negative Cultural Awareness" which must be removed by building "10 Positive Attitudes and Cultural Awareness" which became an alternative culture which must continue to be cultivated at home, at school, at work, in places of worship, in streets, and in all spaces of everyday life.
First, opponents of feudal culture of egalitarian culture.
Culture of feudalism that hamper progress must be countered with an egalitarian attitudes and cultural awareness. Egalitarian attitudes put people in equivalent positions, regardless of the status acquired by descent, wealth, occupation, education, ethnicity, race, or religion. Attitude which views all people living together will be supporting the culture of democratic values and the spirit of civil society. We must develop a culture of early education to children in order to grow egalitarian cultural attitudes that respect fellow human beings.
Second, opponents of instant culture culture of hard work.
Assuming that the culture of instant happiness, wealth, success, and accomplishments can be achieved, such as turning the palm of the hand, also must be confronted with a culture that considers that all that should be achieved with the sweat and tears. Cultures that facilitate the settlement issue in a way cut corners in everyday life must be resisted in ways more civilized. Achievements with their hard work should be rewarded appropriately and assessment mechanisms must be created for the people who worked so hard to accomplish. We must inculcate the culture of education that gives sense to the children so that corrupt, dishonest behavior, the commercialization of office, to purchase a degree asphalt, plagiarism, or cheating is an example of instant culture that does not deserve a place in society. Because we only appreciate people who work hard.
Third, the opponent of cultural contents of the skin cultures.
Cultures of the skin or outer appearance is important in life. To maintain self-image or the image of a person, a lot of ways that can be reached. There are people who show off wealth, there is a show ingenuity, there is also a show of force and power. Show luxuries have become part of the aristocratic lifestyle long ago. Now a lot of new rich people (OKB), who was not shy about showing himself rich and pious. For that, people use the symbols of success and piety in many ways. Problems emerge when ordinary people wearing leather masks like that. The reason the ad and nonstop drama skins teaches that culture is more powerful than the cultural content.
We want to inculcate to children early on that cultural content, the substance is much more important than skin cultures. Not us envious or jealous of the rich and successful people. Not! We want the wealth and success they are more meaningful to the lives of many people. We longed for a more equitable welfare. We want to knock people crazy cultural awareness skin to begin exploring cultural content, to explore the nature of life itself.
Fourth, cultural performances culture versus the simple life.
Cultural performances, original look cool, gorgeous, and splendid, also become part of our lives. Not many people today who are willing and dare to appear more modest than its income. Even people not infrequently had spent his income before income that they are entitled. We call the credit culture and the culture of debt has now become a part of our lifestyle even have become flesh and blood life force our government (remember the foreign debt!).
We would be difficult or may be isolated in the midst of neighbors, family or colleagues if we look simple. Modesty - as an option and alternative lifestyle attitude - the sort of rare item or even unaffordable luxury in the middle of dense forest glamorous lifestyle. In the office, your clothes are not considered fashionable and stylist will be commented upon, "Cooking from the first only-it's disposable." You're not going to look successful and proud family if you do not mengenderai latest vehicles. You will be more cool if you use HP's recent output, the model with the appearance of so-gress. Appearance fees will continue to suck your pocket.
Every day our children are preached by advertising messages and solid soap opera lifestyle so that they worship the appearance culture. In the future we want for our children to be more modest than we, though we keep trying to make them more successful and happier than us.
Fifth, wasteful culture versus culture of saving.
Cultures of skin or culture has made clear appearance so naked wasteful culture opportunities. We seldom think lest serbaboros behavior and lifestyle is ingrained in our lives. Try to see in the office, on the street, or in our homes. How do we use electricity, water, or telephone toll (especially HP). If parents give children first can save money or buy gold. Now that so many parents who budgeted money for the fruit of a monthly pulse of his heart. Serbacanggih In an age of communication technology, culture and talk ngerumpi picayune can spend the money of hundreds of thousands or even millions per month.
From now on we need to instill awareness among young people that the culture of saving is part of living a healthy and civilized behavior that must be developed. To the younger generation, for example, we need to spread the phrase, "Save water and electricity!" or "Save water and electricity for the sake of future generations!". If need be we put on the doors of our homes. We must think that there are still many people who have not obtained the proper lighting and clean water as we enjoy the fair. Still a lot of drought and famine that caused agony of humanity. We want a culture of life-saving humanitarian message that is meaningful for future generations. Mahatma Gandhi's call softly sounded just right, "Earth provides Enough for everyone's need, but not for Everyman's Greed."
Sixth, the culture of apathy versus cultural empathy.
With awareness so we want to create indifference or apathy that makes us blind eye to the problems around us soon replaced by a growing generation of conscious empathetic. Empathic culture growing concern and awareness for listening to the complaints of others or the suffering of others. Empathic generation is the generation that can live in the spirit to give to who can not afford and the public to voice problems and liberate the oppressed. We want to grow a culture of empathy even in the midst of indifference or ignorance that often colors our everyday culture.
Seventh, the consumerist culture of productive cultural opponents.
Culture that can only wear, spend time and money that was not useful, must be confronted with a culture that gives more useful things in life. If now we only became public users (users of the goods of foreign products, consumers are thinking, and foreign lifestyles), the future of the cultural construction of the most serious and crucial is how to make this nation a nation that produces something useful for life and humanity. Our education challenge is how to make consumptive generation turned into productive generation. Generation that is not only a user or consumer, but a producer for the nation even to foreign countries. This should not be such a revolution of consciousness does not require that requires education of human resources, systematic and programmed.
Eighth, the net culture versus the culture of waste.
Trash will be a complicated urban problems if we do not find a solution that is more integrated in the development and restructuring of the city in the future. We now live in a "throw away all of society"; buy, use once, then discard. For that we must instill in net culture since early in their families, neighbors, community, particularly in markets and shops, offices, terminals, stations, ports and airfields, roads and public facilities must consider seriously the problem of handling waste. Culture for littering should get harsh punishment if necessary legal snares. And, the habit of throwing garbage in the spaces provided specifically has to be instilled early on in childhood, in the Indonesian family. Remember the garbage would be a serious threat because not everyone produces waste?
Ninth, culture versus culture terabas queue.
Queuing habits should also campaigned and promoted in places of public property. We must become a civilized nation, not the origin terabas. Terabas culture gave rise to corruption and makes us impatient on the road. Culture line appreciate the regularity that is not imposed, but grew out of awareness of respect for others. We're just putting the elderly, the sick, or pregnant people. We need to practice to children early about the importance of culture in society was busy lining up like this now.
Tenth competition culture versus a culture of cooperation.
We need to compete, as long as it's healthy and fair competition, because we want the terbaiklah is emerging as a leader or a winner. We must inculcate the culture to accept defeat in a fair and appreciate the achievements of others in order to run a healthy life. This is good in education, also in a democracy. If we're hard to build a culture of competition, we must start thinking how to build a culture of cooperation. We have been dissolved in the click-click parochial interests of groups, even we are already far into the cracks of life and nationality, and the weakening of social paired. We want to revive a culture of cooperation among young children and generations to come. Did not matter the nationality of complicated humanity and can only be solved together. We can only eliminate the individualist attitude, egoistic, and self-righteous, when we used to work together, because we will be more humbly accept the possibilities of others who differ from us.
Finally, we must create a scenario of this culture to be able to walk from the little things of our daily lives. We want future generations to change the face of a generation that completely politicized and commercialized into a generation that is more civilized, civilized generation. Therefore we must design the design of our cultural and community awareness of the politicized and commercialized society into civilized society. I believe if we start to run just one of "10 Positive Attitudes and Cultural Awareness", we began to follow paved the way for building a more civilized society. Road is still long and winding. But does not like the humming of the Lionel Richie song, "We Can Save the World if We try ..

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