Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Improving Learning Achievement Fundamental Labor Economics Cooperative Learning Method eighth grade students in junior high B

In this era of globalization only nations that are of high quality which could compete or compete in the free market. Thereby improving the quality of human resources has become a necessity for the nation of Indonesia. Education sector plays a very strategic because it is one vehicle for creating quality human resources, therefore granted if the education sector development a priority that must be done by the government.
One indicator of quality education is the acquisition value of student learning outcomes. The value of student learning outcomes can be improved when learning is most effective and efficient to be supported by available facilities and infrastructure to support and proficiency of teachers in classroom management and the adequate mastery of the material. According Khoirul Anam (2000: 4) in the "Implementation of Cooperative Learning", the task of teachers in teaching not only knowledge of moving information from books or from teachers to students and educates students task is to receive, remember and memorize information. Teaching and learning process is necessary that the more interesting and memorable in the minds of students.
Use teaching methods that most teachers do with mcngedepankan role of teacher. This causes the child is less a role so that eventually diraihpun value is less than expected. Many teaching methods that can be applied in teaching and learning. One such cooperative learning. With cooperative learning approach is expected child can explore and find the subject matter together in groups or individually. So finally feel happy and content studied was found stuck in his mind because through his own experience.
Besides, a lot of complaints from teachers that the curriculum for students load too heavy compared with the time, so the quality of learning outcomes is inadequate. Therefore, the implementation of cooperative learning approach is expected to overcome the limitations period. Teachers no longer have to be marathon explain the subject matter to students, but students will learn actively and independently in accordance with their capabilities and potential, with direction and guidance of teachers.
There are various ways to improve the quality of education, among others: through increasing qualifications for teachers and other education personnel, training and education, or by providing opportunities to solve problems of learning in a professional and non-learning through action research in a controlled manner. Efforts to improve the quality of educators and education personnel to solve problems encountered while performing their duties will have a positive effect doubles. First, the ability to solve real problems of education will increase. Second, educational problem solving and learning through an investigation under control will help improve the quality of content, inputs, processes, and learning outcomes. And third, the second increase this capability will lead to the increased professionalism of teachers and other education personnel.
To realize the goal of education is necessary efforts in the administration of education, such as increased mutual interaction between students and teachers, or the interaction between a student with other students.
Reciprocal interaction might be a special treatment during the process of learning and teaching take place or method of cooperative learning on student outcomes. The meaning of student teacher interaction reciprocal response is directly or indirectly in the teaching-learning process from teacher to student or from students to teachers.
Teachers should use different variations in teaching and learning, a process that just will not monotonous life, students become passive, so that courage is not growing.
Sometimes teachers need to put themselves alongside it with a senior student who is always ready to be a resource person or consultant (Laurence, 1976 in Tabrani, et al, 1994:181). This is a variation in the process of creating a class atmosphere and the creativity of their obligations of a teacher and builder of other educators. This program can be implemented in a planned or at any time tailored to the needs.

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