Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Educating 1.3 Billion Man

A WEEK ago the writer had visited Tiananmen Square in Beijing. The place is indeed very famous, because it could be a concern throughout the world during the biggest student protests in China in June 1989. He said the place is always crowded, even if the holidays are difficult for us to see the floor because so many people.
Lots of interesting objects that we can visit there, for example Mausoleum of Mao Tse Tung that his body lay still looks fresh, historic monuments, the People's House, a museum, and the Forbidden City (palace which was built over 500 years ago).
However, there is one thing that makes a writer wonder, with tens of thousands of people milling around in a place so vast, no single bergeletak garbage there. In all the places that crowd author visit in Beijing, not even able to find a trash heap in the road. In fact, so many human beings, and many residents are poor.
In Indonesia, in places where the crowd definitely synonymous with garbage strewn around. The author never witnessed in a room seminar in Jakarta, attended by teachers who number less than 100 people. After the seminar ended, the floor strewn room full of boxes of snacks, bottled water glass, and plastic. Imagine, in a small room, which was attended by teachers who work to educate people, but it could contaminate a room!
The author was interested to know, why the relatively new Chinese nation rise from the economic downturn, social, and cultural consequence of the Cultural Revolution by Mao-run, can catch up so fast? In fact, in the late 1970s, we still see how poor people in China who still wear black or gray. Frankly, not felt the vast differences between when the author was in Beijing, and in Tokyo, Seoul, Hong Kong, or Singapore.
Incidentally, while on transit at Changi Airport in Singapore on his way to Beijing, the authors could find books about Chinese history, and found a book written by Li Lanqing (former Deputy Prime Minister of China), entitled Education for 1.3 Billion (Pearson Education and China: Foreign Language Teaching & Research Press, 2005). After reading the book, it is understandable why China can progress so quickly, because the education reforms implemented in China seems to succeed in building human resources that are suitable for the modern climate.
Frankly, quite surprised to read thoughts Li Lanqing, a politician and bureaucrat, but curiously has a comprehensive and profound understanding about education. All policies are taken in reforming education in China, inspired by the many books he read, for instance, he mastered how the development of brain research since the 1950s until the 1990s, so he understands the danger that too much emphasis on the education system hapalan, drilling , and the rigid way of teaching, including the educational system oriented only to pass the exam.
He was also inspired by Howard Gardner's ideas about multiple intelligences, which he read his books since Frames of Minds (1983). Li Lanqing was so enthusiastic to apply the various theories advanced into the education system in China, and he says: "I am Interested in it Because I want to call the attention of our educators and Scientists .... so education in this nation That Can be Made to Enhance people's all-round development and tap the potential of human resources to the fullest measure "(p. 316-317). However, Li Lanqing also still carry the noble values in China to reform its education.
Character Education
In the education reform program desired by Deng Xiaoping in 1985, explicitly expressed about the importance of the character education: Throughout the reform of the education system, it is imperative to bear in mind That reform is for the fundamental purpose of turning into a man Every citizen or woman of character and Cultivating more constructive members of society (Decisions of the Reform of the Education System, 1985). Therefore, character education programs have become prominent in China run since the levels of pre-school to university.
Obviously, character education is different in concept and methodology of moral education, such as PPKN, character, or even religious education in Indonesia. Character education is to carve the character through a process of knowing the good, loving the good, and acting of the good, namely the education process that involves cognitive, emotional, and physical, so the character can be etched into noble habit of the mind, heart, and hands.
While moral education, for example PPKN and religious studies, is the only involves the cognitive aspects (hapalan), with no appreciation of (emotion), and practice. So do not be surprised if a lot of Indonesian man who memorized the contents of Pancasila or the verses of scripture, but do not know how to dispose of waste properly, be honest, high work ethos, and establish harmonious relationships with others.
Educational reform policy toward the formation of character indeed continues to receive explicit support by President Jiang Zemin, namely through his speeches. Thus, as expressed by Li Lanqing: "After many years of practice, character education has changed from the consensus of educators and people from all walks of life Across this nation. It is being advanced in a comprehensive way." Character education requires the involvement of all aspects of the human dimension, so it does not fit with an education system that too much emphasis hapalan and orientation to pass the test (cognitive). Almost all the leaders in China, from Jiang Zemin, Li Peng, Zhu Rongji to Hu Jianto and others, very concerned with the education system that too much emphasis on cognitive aspects only, which are considered to be "killed" character for children: too much homework, lessons too heavy, orientation hapalan and drilling, all of which can overload the students physically, mentally, and soul (p. 336).
Even at the date of February 1, 2000, President Jiang Zemin to collect all the special Politburo members to discuss how to reduce the burden of student learning through an educational system worthy of adoption by age and fun, and development of all aspects of the human dimension; aspects of cognitive (intellectual), characters, aestetika , and physical (athletics).
Although still not perfect, with communist ideology, it seems that China wants to show the "face" that is different from other communist countries. Maybe China can realize the dream of socialist thinkers in opposition to the ideas of Karl Marx, like Proudhon and Robert Owen, that the moral consciousness of a true socialist should be a tool to achieve the final goal of socialism ideology, and praxis is how to prepare people to assume the character of a true socialist (the brotherhood human, caring, and justice). Karl Marx did not exactly agree with the thought that, because of her socialist moral consciousness is only the final destination, and praxis is the change in the structure of society that there is no rich-poor, with coercion or dictatorship (as opposed to a true socialist morality) --- The end justifies the means.
Powerful Strength
If China can successfully educate the 1.3 billion human beings into human character (diligent, honest, caring, etc.), then the total population of that size would be a very powerful force for the progress of China. This is what makes the United States experts deg-degan, like Bill Bonner said that concerns the future conditions in the U.S.: "Can you imagine in 20 or 30 years into the future, there may be many Americans who are looking for a job as a baby sitter in China."
Well, if China can do character education to 1.3 billion human beings, Indonesia certainly can do it. However, echoes of character education has not been much heard from our leaders. Obviously, as responsible citizens, we all can do it at our smallest neighborhood, family and school.

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