Wednesday, September 8, 2010

As Pasraman Village Cultural Education Center - Spiritual

Build pasraman certainly not easy. Especially with sacred intention for the intellectual foundation of the children with arts and culture. However, no matter how difficult, to build infrastructure and superstructure will be important pasraman initiated and implemented. The role of individuals such as artists, pragina, priests, scholars, and educational personnel are expected to continue to clarify the competencies pasraman. With all the limitations, of pasraman will be built new spirit, new perspective on the universe horizon of the world. Implementation, make pasraman this village as a center of cultural-spiritual education. Then how should describe the teaching-learning process in pasraman it?
An observer of culture and education I Wayan Westa said the sensitivity to sharpen the competitive charge learners should be taught in pasraman. Megambel, dancing, mekidung, mendalang, correspondence and scripts unfurl into compulsory subjects. Education and the emphasis on literacy is important in order to address the gene dibabar Bali human intelligence. "This is a vital urgency that should never be forgotten. Certainly in the current era of local intelligence to continuously adapt," said Westa.
As for his form later, continued Westa, pasraman educational process must carry and umbrella on the three basic components, namely Satyam - ciwam - Sundaram (right - sacred - beautiful). Three of this substance can not be separated from one another. Therefore, the basic seed, the main energy that will build awareness Meru (Meru dandaksara), because he is intelligence capacity of reason, the three mantras of intelligence must be turned on the human person. Without the three that energy, intelligence direngkuh impossible to God.
"This holistic insight from the outset has been to frame the village pasraman adherence patterns that have been initiated by our forefathers in the past. This local wisdom should be maintained, because obviously there are deep social sublimation," he continued.
According to Westa, three basic substance that will show the practical realities of the inner behavior of children, concerns Bajra-time goals. Bajra in self-realization will demonstrate competency in demand, Sedana yoga - which turned the inner energy of self-sublimation depth, and bring creativity, utpatti urip teak. This can be seen from the capacity melakoni yourself in life, a form of dedication to the Lord of Hosts. Work and worship are key. Yoga is the driving force. While Wak find realization on their own behavior, the extent to which words, speech, oral initiatives can be justified for the work. Whopper of words without work. From work and discourse pengabdianlah dimuarakan, childbirth and sesuluh theory. "All that will grow the Citta, new tattwa, Bali berspirit Taksu science, science that touched the sky God, most fully overcome everything," he said.
According to Westa, with the foundations pasraman mentioned that it was built. As Pasraman Pradesa Bangli built by a number of components of society in Bangli. Pasraman it must be built with sensitivity to catch signs of the times, based on self-reliance, purity, and management competence. He is free from interests and political preconditions. He must be the estuary of the liberation of art and artistic liberation. He had to perform with her own identity. Task wisesa teacher (government) is conditioned and provide facilities, without any intention of ideological intervention. Because, as the task penguasalah panikelan land - the authority over the territory it is obliged to protect all interests. "The interests that motivate the society seized the ladders inner consciousness. Where will create a society with divine light - divine society," he said.
Success of the educational process in pasraman, according to Westa, largely determined by the competence and urgency of the teachers concerned. Pasraman should be able to provide the teacher or pinisepuh who truly has the full capability. Dedication will be tested as far as his sedhana level. That is, as far as the teacher concerned to understand the interests of "human investment", in the future. "Hopefully this will be born from pasraman young man who not only has the weight of high knowledge, but his taste and wiweka also impressive. Able to deal with ever-changing era, and clearly the root of his to-Bali," he said.

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