Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Assisting Child Manage Emotions / Feelings

What's the emotion? Emotion is what it felt like anger, fear, sadness, joy, deeply moved ..
Anak2 like adults also experience these perasaan2. Emotion TSB later appeared / exit in the form of expression like moody, cranky, crying, silence, aggression, banting2 goods ...
As parents, we often react to emotional expression on the child's view, is rarely directly to his emotions. This is because emotion is something that really does not look so difficult to understand, other than the child's vocabulary is still limited which makes them difficult to explain his feelings. But faced expression alone can not solve the problem of the child. Appropriate reaction is required to understand and accept the emotions that were experienced boy so it does not continue to appear in the form of negative expression.
Emotions exist because individuals within a particular environment. Physical, emotional centers in the amygdala (lower rear of head). In infants, the emotions started with the signs as he showed a sense of happy or not happy, my curiosity (wonder / think). At preschool age children has been increased many emotions such as empathy, shame, blush of time interacting with others (yes Bede's shame and confusion. If ga delicious more ashamed, embarrassed if it malu2 but no joy ..). When they start to learn strategies to manage feelings.
Then why are extreme, a very cool boy, there is a very sensitive with his feelings? This is mostly caused by the child's own innate. There are children that since the baby was already very sensitive. Usually this is seen from the physical also become very sensitive; if pain is very fussy and old, easy to nausea, dizziness, itching, very sensitive to the label, or a lace collar, etc.. There is a relationship between the brain to the secretion of hormones. What happens in the amygdala / emotions that he feels cause reactions that make it physically too sensitive. But when received and processed properly, potentially a sensitive child to become very 'rich'.
Children's emotions are similar to adults, but how to think of children and adults differently. Children interpret peristiwa2 happening around him in a different way from adults.
Some examples of how you think a child that influence emotions:
* Children are not able to see the causal relationship of events that happened outside her; for example if a mother ignored the child who had made a mistake (asked his son remained silent, with the intent to punish) when the child has not been able to link the mother's silence with the mistakes he did , so he took the wrong conclusion, that the mother did not like him or her, and being wounded hearts
* Children assume if something bad happens, it is a punishment for his mistakes. This often occurs as a result of nurture who likes to threaten or frighten the child to obey. For example the sentence which is often thrown to make the child according to "beware yes, if mischievous later mama go!" when he did have to go long, the child thinks it was his fault. Children so many blame him if there's pain or the goods are damaged, and feelings of guilt is very unhealthy.
* Children are still difficult to distinguish between self interest and the interests of others. For example children often ask for toys, while parents find toys like that already had plenty, to what to buy anymore. Whereas for a child, collecting things is fun, it will cause a certain feeling of fulfillment which gives satisfaction, and not judged by its price. For example a collection of stickers, pencil, or other small benda2.
In addition to different ways of thinking, there are also other things that generally affect the look of a typical child's emotional
* Son of a lot established according to the prevailing culture, they are expected to learn to show emotions in a more controlled, so that according to the results of several studies in general, boys become more irritable, more rarely cry, tidur less than girls, and less attention the presence of adults around them.
* Children are being neglected (not acceptable / her presence is felt as a burden by parents) generally shows characteristics: rare show of pleasure, rarely want to play with the tools the game / so refusing or is tied at one game / special objects (because actually the main requirement is the need to be accepted, loved, touch), not too concerned about noise or fear that left her mother (because he felt its presence does not matter to her mother), looks more sad, his expression was more flat than children whose presence is accepted and meaningful for parents (because parenting is done 'flat' no expression, so that children do not learn to express themselves)
Children need to learn to:
* Understand the difference between having feelings by expressing it under control so he could behave
* Aware of her negative feelings
* Control the negative behavior caused by negative feelings
* Find a way out of negative feelings, such as by talking with parents or other people, learn to express it visually (write or draw)
Parents need to learn to:
* Controls / find alternative behaviors when experiencing negative emotions such as goods or slam doors when angry because children will imitate the behavior
* Paying attention and try to understand the emotions experienced by children so that they can react appropriately to it; Receiving / she acknowledged the emotion being felt by explaining about the emotions felt, giving the term / meaning of emotion TSB (ade sad yes ..), hugging the child to ensure that he could feel the emotion. Spontaneous reaction of parents such as "yes ade do not get mad dong ..." or "ade ga dong be ashamed ..." will be considered confusing for children, it was because he was feeling angry / embarrassed, kok ga allowed? It is important for the child to feel understood, that the emotion he felt was not being rejected or excluded. After subsided because of his emotional expression is received, usually the child will be easier to talk to, to recognize what he felt, how to express it more controllable.
The meeting this time with the topics / themes that we present as a step to equate perceptions and insights about how to guide children. It is hoped that this meeting can be a bit much to give input and answer pertanyaan2 faced by parents in dealing with emotions (especially negative) on children, as well as with us as a party school. Because the same way and step in line between home and school will undoubtedly produce better results for our children.

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