Wednesday, September 8, 2010

"Self-Transendence", A Search of Authenticity Self

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Gerald May (Addiction and Grace: Love and Spirituality in the Healing of Addiction, New York: Harper San Francisco, 1988) believes that all humans have a desire for God since birth. This is the deepest desires and longings of the most precious treasure in humans. We may call this desire a different language: the longing for wholeness, harmony, or fulfillment. However, behind the desires that there is a longing for love, to love and be loved, and to move closer to the Source of Love.
This longing is the essence of the human spirit to relate in love, relate to personally. In this sense, the longing for the transcendent-immanent as well as a longing for authenticity itself. What is fair to say Tony Baggot (Spirituality, Vol 2, No 5 ~ 1996) that the pilgrimage to the self actually a pilgrimage into God. That's where we met face to face with God, where all illusion and falsehood vanished in benaman unconditional love (unconditional love) of God.
Bernard Lonergan, philosopher and theologian, in his book Method in Theology (1975) wrote that humans achieve authenticity in the transcendence of self (self-transcendence). Self-transcendence means a move beyond what has been achieved. A motion from the less good to be good and from good to better.
However, this self transcendence of ideas collide with penafsiranan self-realization or self actualization is more typical of modern humans selfish and self-centered, To this Walter E Conn in his book The desiring Self: rooting Pastoral Counseling and Spiritual Direction in Self-Transcendence (1998) will critically assess the idea of self-realization (self-realization) or self-actualization (self-actualisation) in modern society with the idea of self-denial (self-denial) in these religions.
He stressed that through self-transcendence, not personal sacrifice, but realized in kemarusiaannya authentic. Realization of an authentic self in the search for meaning, truth, values and love will reject all forms of encouragement selfishness self-centered (self-centered).
This requires that someone must be emptied himself, and even lose yourself in the service of love for others. In the light of self-transcendence, aktualiasi authentic self is not the result of an attempt to satisfy personal desires, but from a movement that goes beyond ourselves to bring good to yourself and others.
Realization of an authentic self and authentic self-fulfillment is the result of self-transcendence. So self-transcendence is an effective response to the desires of the human spirit for meaning, truth, values, and love.
But the desire for self-transcendence is bumped by the element is not conscious (unconscious) in humans. Luigi M Rulla (see David Couturier. "The Capacity to promotes Justice," Human Development 6 / 3, 1985) believes that the element is not conscious (unconscious) could affect our capacity to internalize the value (value) and attitude (atitude).
This element is not aware of the influence of birth inconsistencies-inconsistencies in daily life, between the ideal (ideal self) and self-actual (actual self). This is clearly revealed in the article "The absurdity of Intellectual" Amir Yasraf Piliang (Kompas, 26/5/2005). He writes, "It is unreasonable to see a variety of actions by the academics and intellectuals who like 'stupid', without consideration of common sense and rationality perhiitungan, thus creating a kind of intellectual-intellectualis absurdity absurdity." This proves that the "intellectual capital" can not be the main guarantee to become an integral personal and authentic. Whoever we are, whether teachers, religious leaders, politicians, state officials, ministers, vice-president and president, the rich and poor, affected by the legal effect of the unconscious element (unconscious) of this. So exactly what was said Ahmad Syafii Maarif that we are still limping along in an effort to improve the future of this nation due not only between words and behavior (Kompas, 6/1/2005).
Education is not only a question of ability to acquire information, technology, but rather an ability to internalize the values in life. Penginternalisasian process this value need to touch the elements are not conscious (unconscious) in each individual so that he could be free to choose and take responsibility for choices and to recognize the distortions of consciousness.
Education should help people to expand awareness (conscious) and the narrow region unconscious (unconscious) so able to choose the true value. This was an unconscious element affects us in the process of experiencing, understanding, assessing and making decisions. Unconscious elements often obscures our ability to choose a genuine kindness and stranded on the "seems good" because it is influenced by the demands of the needs (needs) are inherent in us as human beings. For example the need for security could force people to corruption, cheating, manipulation, or kill other people, and others.
The challenge to transcend the self can be more complicated in the lives of urban society. There are so many possibilities for the loss of integrity and authenticity of self. Urban lifestyle in the era of capitalist economy, characterized by unknowingly have formed a "capitalist mindset" Yang stressed the need for success, wealth, competition, control, and power. This became a new requirement that many people sought out and desirable. Without knowing the behavior of the people were formed in the system this requirement. People raced to pursue success, popularity, and power without taking into account other values and other people. That requirement was and continues to be promoted, clearly that penetrated into the consciousness of our true nature has distortions that undermine the essence and human dignity as persons and groups.
As a result, human value is measured by its success, wealth, power, and popularity. Humans viewed not from the nature and dignity, but from a function (function) and actions (doing). So relations with fellow more typical subject-object, the relation of interest, business relations. The way people communicate any typical subject-object, a monologue, not dialogue that demands an appreciation of the other conditions at the core of humanity. How to communicate like this only creates ignorance, compromise, and dependence, and communication actions can become a means of self-transcendence, self-transformation and enlightenment.
Relations of subject-object continues to break into the lives of our human relationships, in families, schools, jobs and government. Humans are seen as an object, a piece of meat that does not have feelings and thoughts. He is regarded as "common" and not "unique". Our relationship is more characterized by "general" rather than personal. Akibatnva, man is alienated from the world around him and himself. He then suffered an identity crisis. He lived without an identity. He is looking for its identity in the power, wealth, fame. He became a "servant" of his own desires.
Simultaneously, budava market continues to offer new needs and new lifestyle playing a bewildered man to lose this identity. Fantasy to become rich and powerful lead people to engage in collusion, corruption, and various other kinds of manipulation. In this sense, all of us who live in the "capitalist mindset" very vulnerable and fragile to be tempted to destroy the integrity and authenticity of self.
When he was alienated from themselves and from society dirinva, he was looking for basic existence. He tried to find in these religions, but there he was also alienated from the religious life is often characterized by legalistic and 'objective', in which the individual was not able to put the experience of humanity and complex kornpleks. Religions with the characteristics of legalistic and "objective" of this more looking for self satisfaction and self security than those who make pilgrimages together again confused in the search for the meaning of life is complicated and complex.
TRENDS religion as an institution to provide answers to existential questions people often do not help much because they do not want to hear. These people are not faced personally, but faced with various doctrines and other sacred teachings.
Man sought in situations of "crisis" is a personal relationship, where the status and dignity respected and embraced. They want to be heard, not judged as being unique and personal. Good relations by itself bring healing and enlightenment. Emptiness is what allows people to search for the basic existence of God (immanent and transcendent) and give meaning to their lives anew in the light of experience of personal encounter with Him. The encounter with the Other Person will transcending the way he understands himself to others, and natural surroundings, including the various ways.
Bernard Lonergan called the experience an intimate encounter this as being in love with God. This experience lead to a repentance or self-transcendence, a conversion that is born of love relationships. In this intimate relationship latent goodness will flow by itself because he has found himself in the face of God's identity as a subject, a unique and distinctive.
Personal relationship with God that led him to rediscover his true identity before God. In prayer (meditation or contemplation) he discovered who God was and who he is. In the struggle of personal relationship with God that he update the picture (image) will of God and the image itself and are willing to bear the consequences of the intimacy of the relationship.
The relation of love that gave birth to surrender (Surrender) total commitment to God and a willingness to accept yourself and be realistic in life. Rejection of the reality of our humanity which is rich in potential for growth and simultaneously fragile and easily split will give birth to the illusion of an illusion that undermined the authenticity of self. IIusi illusion that we wake up in the "capitalist mode of thinking" personality gave birth to a fake personality. We establish themselves in the shadow of the fragile and let's tighten our own illusions. We like people who have lost their identity and wander within their continued achievement beyond self. Actually we are shackled by the desire for power, popularity, and wealth does not lead to the authenticity of self (true self).
Go back to the depths of yourself and there God will tell you about His love and passion for you and your desire for yourself, for Him, others and the natural surroundings.

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