Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Fables, Bridges Communication with Children

In order to foster interest in storytelling among parents and education practitioners, the National Research and Development of Psychology, University of Indonesia initiated the establishment of Center for Folklore Studies. Storytelling activities need to be raised again assessed as a bridge of communication with children, as well as socialization arena of moral values within the family.
In seminars and workshops in Depok, Saturday (9 / 7), psychologists Sarlito W Sarwono of Research and Development Agency revealed the UI Psychology, Center for Folklore Studies that will involve various elements of society. Various materials for storytelling, he said, could be disseminated through various media, including internet.
Tale of Study Centre is aimed at intensified research, training, publications about the tale, as well as develop new fable based on demand era. The source is not just the culture of Indonesia, but also tales from around the world who have the values of universal education. Through a simple, cheap, basic but weighty, we can empower the community in order to improve themselves from generation to generation to build a peaceful world, Sarlito said.
Kian shallow
"Chairman of the National Commission (Commission) Child Seto Mulyadi states, in this era of globalization of communication between parents and children more and more shallow. Also due to what he called the strikes a visual culture, the fact is exacerbated by the tendency of transferring the responsibility of child care to formal educational institutions. As a result , children are not accustomed to dialogue and loss of creativity.
This raises the problem of psychosis in children. They tend to use violence in everyday life. Therefore, the activity of storytelling needs to be raised again as a bridge of communication and socialization arena of moral values in families, he said.
Through inner dialogue with didongengkan story, without realizing the child had absorbed some positive qualities, like courage, honesty, patriotism, humanity, loved animals, and distinguish the good things and bad. Storytelling can be parents and the teachers in the baby in the womb until the child is sitting in elementary school, said Seto.
Storytelling activities are also useful to establish an intimate communication between parents and children and between teachers and pupils. Storytelling activities also develop because of soaring imagination and creativity of children into a fantasy world without borders, like animals who can talk and behave like humans, or fruits that can give advice.
Imagination, in certain limits, is closely related to creativity Seto said. In addition, various aspects of storytelling to help stimulate the development of children, especially intellectual and emotional side. Through the tales that are told in an interesting, children learn moral values and knowledge of the prevailing norms in society. This activity also stimulates the child's language development.
Culture of the words
Jusuf Sutanto, administrators Selo Soemardjan Research Center, said, the message received by the human hearing is more impressive because there is already much earlier than the culture of reading and writing.
Through the stories in the fairy tale, adults, especially parents, hereditary can instill character and noble values to children.
To write a fairy tale and menuturkannya weighted appropriately and interesting so impressed throughout his life, not as easy as people think. Like a burst of spring water or magma in a volcano, a tale of cultural experience is the fruit of a society which originated from the past about the nature of life. Therefore, the role of parents is very important.

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