Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Learning Narrative Text

A. Preliminary

Based Education Unit Level Curriculum, one of the goals of learning English in junior secondary school (SMP) is to develop the ability to communicate in English in both oral and written form. Similarly at high school level is the ability to mandate that must diembang by the teacher as a facilitator in learning. Communication skills include listening (listening), speaking (speaking), reading (Reading), and writing (writing). These four competencies are expected to prepare and equip students of junior high, high school and equivalent to continue to pursue higher education or to enter the working world, especially in sectors that require skills in English.

Text narrative is one genre that must be taught to students at the junior level, and at the high school level, the text is more developed. Therefore, teachers should have a lot of references relating to the type of text. This is to minimize the sense of boredom in students and at the same time causing great excitement on the subject students to better learn the text.

B. UNDERSTANDING narrative text

What is a narrative text? Narrative text is basically a text that tells us something (Cory, 2002). According Derewianka (in Miriam Anugerahwati, 2004) narrative text aims to entertain, to get and retain the attention of the reader / listener of the story. Narrative text also aims to educate, inform, convey the author's reflections about the experience, and that no less importance is to develop the imagination of the reader / listener. Narrative text generally is imaginary, but there is also a narrative text that is factual, that tells the true incidence.

There are several types of narrative text that is often encountered in daily life - the day, such as tales, legends, mysteries, horror stories, novels and short stories.

Narrative text consists of three main parts: (1) Orientation is the part where the author describes the world for the story, this section introduced to where and when events happen and the characters, (2) Complication is the part where the main characters face barriers in achieving goals - his dream, sections where komplik started to happen and (3) Resolution of the problems faced by the main character solved. This section has two tendencies, namely the story with a happy ending (happy ending) and / or end the story with sadness (sad ending), but there is also a narrative text that keeps the reader / listener to guess the ending.

From the standpoint of language features, narrative texts typically include the following:

1. Participants are specific and often individual

2. Many action verbs (material processes), and there is also the use of verbal and mental processes.

3. Past tense is usually used.

4. Many use lingking Words related to time.

5 Often entering the dialogue, and tense will probably change.

6 Descriptive language is used for image menciptkan dibenak readers.

7 can be written as first person (1), or third (he, she, they want).

C. EXAMPLE narrative text


Once upon a time, in a village lived a widow. She lived with two children. Their name Were Upik and Son. Their children Were very spoilt.

One day on their mother wanted to visit a friend's party, but on their children cried to go there too. Finally on their mother allows Them to go to the party. Before going there, mother said to her children not to be naughty and go anywhere.

But, Son and Upik WENT to the jungle to play together without permissions to on their mother. They play and play Until they want arrived at a river. Because Thirsty and Tired Were they want so they want jumped into the river and swam. The river was a sacred river, so Upik and Buyung changed from a fish.

One night on their mother dreamed met with her Husband. Her Husband said to her "Go to the river in the jungle, your children are over there". The mother WENT to the river in the jungle to find her children in the morning. In the river there Were no anybody. She shouted loudly to call on their children

"Upiii .. .. k Buyung Nowhere are you, here are your mother, I am longing to you, I wait you, I love you all" said the mother sadly.
"Mom .. mom.! I am here" the voice from the river. Mother Scared. She looked two fishes "
"We Are Your Children mom" said the fish.
"My children ...."
"Yes mom .. Because We disobeyed your message, We played and swam in the river, now We Became fish" said the fish while Crying.

The mother Fell sad and sad. She could not say anything. She opened her parcel and Gave to the fish (her children).

She always pray for her children, and God wishes her receipt. The water of the river always pure, so the people Called the pure river

The above story is one of the narrative text of students' work on behalf of Sri Yuliani at the time the author taught at SMAN 1 Marioriwawo Soppeng District. It is interesting also to develop is the ability of learners to explore the level of knowledge by asking students to express moral values (moral values) are contained in the story. Therefore be expected with the existence of moral messages, they can appreciate and practice in daily life. As a moral message presented by students of Sri Yuliani is that we should not deny a parent command (We have our parents to Obey suggestions / rules). Old Oang always loved her children under any circumstances (the parents always love on their children in any condition)

In order for the story is more interesting then the teacher can recommend that the students make proficiency level in these stories are given the ornaments and then taped a special place like mading (magazine wall) or in a classroom display. Of course this requires a management arrangement and compactness of the group learning. If this is successful, then for learning texts will then be more easily applied to the student.


Text narrative is one type of text that aims to entertain, to get and hold attention reader / listener a good story that is factual or imaginary. There are several types of narrative text that is often encountered in daily life - the day, such as tales, legends, mysteries, horror stories, novels and short stories. This text will normally use the past tense with a key participant and often the individual.

This text also aims to educate, inform, convey the author's reflections about the experience, and that no less importance is to develop the imagination of the reader / pendengar.Teks general narrative is an imaginary, but there is also a narrative text that is factual, ie menceritaka actual events.

There are several types of narrative text that is often encountered in daily life - the day, such as tales, legends, mysteries, horror stories, novels and short stories.
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