Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Teaching Diverse Students with Various Ways

Dr. I Made Candiasa, MIKomp., Dean FPTK State Teachers' Training College Gardens, within an oration for the introduction of a professorship at the campus earlier this week revealed the characteristics of students in a classroom or school is very diverse. So when doing the teaching-learning process, each student should receive individual treatment approaches vary from one student to another student.
For that, who was born in Banjar Candiasa Penasan, Klungkung June 30, 1960 It offers a unique learning model in education keberbhinekaan. This model tries to accommodate the different characteristics of students, to be able to adapt to diverse conditions of students.
Lecturers are also experts in the field of mathematics presents learners have different characteristics and should be accommodated in learning, in order to obtain the optimal learning results. Psychology with various branches have been identified so many variables that indicate individual differences and affect the learning process, such as intelligence, giftedness, cognitive styles, thinking styles, adoption resources, resilience-malangan, and initial ability.
Problem of intelligence has long been considered in the learning materials. According Candiasa, single-factor theory of the Binet-Simon described the intelligence in a single general score (overall single score), which is called intelligence quotient (IQ), whereas the Spearman two-factor theory of intelligence into two factors describing the stand-alone capabilities, ie a general factor ( general) and specific factors (specific).
Although single-factor''theory and the theory of two factors allow homogenization process of learning, but will be better if individuals with different IQs have different learning services,''said Candiasa.
In fact, continued Candiasa, pemberagaman learning due to differences in intelligence higher after Thurstone describe intelligence and giftedness (aptitude) to some factors known capabilities with multiple factors (multiple factors), namely verbal ability (verbal comprehension), numeracy (number), the ability of the geometric (spatial relation), word fluency (Word Fluency), memory (memory), and reasoning (reasoning).
Furthermore, the demands of a diversity of learning more visible again on the theory of multiple intelligences (multiple intelligence) from Gardner. Multiple intelligences theory states that human intelligence and giftedness consists of seven semi-autonomous components, namely intelligence of music (musical intelligence), kecerdasasan body-kinesthetic (bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence), logical-mathematical intelligence (logical-mathematical intelligence), the intelligence of space (spatial Intelligence), interpersonal intelligence (interpersonal intelligence), and intrapersonal intelligence (intrapersonal intelligence). Now, in order to obtain the optimal result of learning, different intelligences should get a different service learning.
In addition to intelligence, according Candiasa, cognitive style is also quite strong influence on the learning process. As stated by Witkin which distinguish individuals based on the individual's cognitive style field independent and field dependent individuals.
Field independent individuals tend to think the analysis, reorganized the teaching materials according to their own interests, to formulate their own learning goals internally and more major internal motivation. On the other hand, field dependent individuals tend to think globally, following the structure of learning material as it is, follow the existing learning goals and prefer the external motivation.
Other psychological symptoms that can distinguish the individual in the process of learning is the style of thinking. Style of thinking is closely related to brain hemisphere functions. Candiasa quoting Koestler and Clark that mentions that the right hemisphere is more lateral and divergent, whereas the left hemisphere is more vertical and convergent.
Each hemisphere of the brain responsible for thinking, and each specializes in certain skills, although there are a few crosses and a specific interaction. Left-brain thinking processes are logical, sequential, linear, and rational, while right brain thought processes are random, not organized, intuitive, divergent, and holistic.
Adoption of power is also different individuals and also influence the learning process. Rogers, according Candiasa, distinguish individuals based on adoption resources into four groups: adopters, early majority (early majority), the majority of late (late majority), and defectors (laggard). Individuals who signed the group always pioneered the acceptance of innovation adopter.
Early majority group memerima innovation has been around 30 percent if other individuals receive. Late majority group of individuals willing to accept innovation after 60 percent of other individuals. Individual groups of defectors is a group of individuals who are most difficult to accept innovation. After that, starting from the failure of intelligent and talented individuals in business, found variable-malangan endurance (adversity) that may affect individual activities, including learning.
Endurance-endurance malangan is individual to face the challenges. Candiasa quoting Stoltz here that distinguishes individuals based on the endurance-owned malangan into three groups, namely explorers (climbers), Abel (camper), and penyerah (quitter). Individual explorers always want to get ahead no matter how experienced barriers. Individual hospital orderly, to do something is always waiting for the success of other individuals. Penyerah individuals are individuals who are not trying to go forward and tend to give up before trying.
Initial ability of participants also had to get consideration in the learning process. Initial capability is strongly influenced by individual experience in interacting with their environment. Therefore, differences in environment can lead to differences in initial ability. Differences in initial ability differences in the ability to elaborate a result of new information to build cognitive structures.
By looking at the differences in learning are also apparently required individualization in order to obtain the optimal learning outcomes. The problem is how to accommodate individual differences in learning characteristics. The next problem is learning components which can be adapted to the characteristics of individuals who are highly heterogeneous.

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